
Readers' Theater Assembly
This is the Night Halloween Picture Book Cover

Guiding Your Child to Their Brighter Side

I’ve created a fun, interactive ‘Readers’ Theater’ style assembly for students in grades TK-3.

In this assembly, I’ll teach students to:

  • Create a theatrical production to bring a book to life
  • Use simple stage sets, props, and stage directions to enhance their production

Then, dressed as an ankylosaurus narrator, I’ll bring some kids up on stage to act out the story with costumes, sound effects, and music. 

Guiding Your Child

I am also available to come in to share my Halloween picture book and song, ‘This is the Night’.

In this one, I dress as a witch and bring in my bubbling cauldron and black cat, Moonshadow. Students will love learning the catchy Halloween song and actions.

Blog & Article

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Readers' Theater AssemblyI’ve created a fun, interactive ‘Readers’ Theater’ style assembly for students in grades TK-3. In this assembly, I’ll teach students to:
  • Create a theatrical production to bring a book to life
  • Use simple stage sets, props, and stage directions to enhance their production
Then, dressed as an ankylosaurus narrator, I’ll bring some kids up on stage to act out the story with costumes, sound effects, and music.  Finally, I will teach students the song and the actions for ‘Guess What I Saw? A Dinosaur’ If you are interested in having me come into school, please contact Becky Grant (510) 304-9352  To purchase the story, visit the home page. I am also available to come in to share my Halloween picture book and song, ‘This is the Night’. This is the Night Halloween Picture Book Cover In this one, I dress as a witch and bring in my bubbling cauldron and black cat, Moonshadow. Students will love learning the catchy Halloween song and actions. This is the Night Halloween song and picture book